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Our Picture Library team is available 8am-4pm Monday to Friday at and (0) 755 1010 355.

Apply for a Scholarly Waiver

Authors publishing academic work relating to the Gallery's collection are encouraged to apply to use the high-quality digital images available from National Gallery Images under our “Scholarly Waiver”. For successful applications, charges will be waived or discounted for not-for-profit, short-run publications.
The Scholarly Waiver is available on a case-by-case basis for use in academic publications under 1000 physical copies, for study purposes or open access online journals.
For such not-for-profit uses, a successful applicant is entitled to use a high-resolution image provided at a maximum file size of A5 300dpi.
The picture files are derived from fully colour-calibrated digital image files created by the National Gallery. The colour is therefore consistent across all images in the collection, meaning image users will be able to make informed comparisons about colour, tone, and brightness, and be assured of consistent colour reproduction through to print.
Should you wish to make a Scholarly Waiver application please send us an email at with the following information –
• Image(s) - NG Number(s)
• Print run and electronic use.
• Size of image reproduction (1/4 Page, ½ Page, Full Page)
• Distribution
• Publisher


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